Helping Families Resolve Paternity Issues

Establishing paternity is important from a legal standpoint for many reasons. When the identity of a child’s father is known, he has certain legal rights and obligations. One obligation may be to pay child support. Additionally, a father can seek parenting time once his relationship to the child is legally established.

Whether you are a father or mother seeking to establish the paternity of a child – or if you have related legal concerns – Antonio J. Perez-Benitoa, P.A., can help. Together, we can address your most pressing legal concerns regarding the paternity of your child.

Paternity-Related Legal Matters

Tony offers more than 36 years of experience, and he can help you address a range of legal issues relating to paternity, including:

  • Paternity testing
  • Child support
  • Parenting plans/child custody
  • Other paternity matters

Any family law legal matter can be stressful – and especially those involving children. It is important to work with an attorney who can provide you with clear, straightforward legal advice. Our goal is to provide clear information about your legal options so you are in the best position to make positive decisions about your future and the future of your children.

Contact Us Today To Learn More

Our family law firm represents mothers, fathers and alleged fathers in paternity legal matters. To find out more, or to schedule a consultation at our Naples law firm, contact us by calling 239-430-1884. You can also reach us online.